Monday, January 25, 2010

SOOOOOOO Long ago!!!!!!

I am sorry it has been so long since any info. Abbie is doing great. I just wanted to say hi and let you know that I am planning on posting at least once a month this year and this is January's.

We have been given the OK to stay away from Cardiology for a whole year! As nervouse as this first made me I am totaly cool with one less Dr. apt. so often. He is so pleased with Abbie's heart function.

Abbie started school last March. I was pretty happy with things except equipment. Her PT was wonderful and tryed to get something that would be small enough for Abbie. This summer they finaly agreed to let the PT order a chair just for Abbie! It is a good chair for her but I feel like I am taking Abbie to school to be babysat. I love her teacher and the PT but she was progressing in all areas so much better when she was getting outside medicaly baised therapies. I am sure I will get alot of negative thoughts on this but, Lee and I have decided to pull her from preschool and put her back in the other therapies. I will still take her to the elementary school to get educationaly baised therapies but, we feel she needs more and there is not enough time to add babysitting (preschool) in too. I will post again soon and let you know how things are moving with this.

Look back for pictures soon!


Nate said...

Kim, it's great to hear from you. I hope you're all doing well. As for your school plans for Abbie, you're her parents and no one will know better than you what will work best for her. I'm so glad she's healthy and her heart is getting so strong. Please tell everybody hi from all of us Hansons!

Genevieve Ross said...

We miss you! I am so happy to see you posting again. Great news about the heart- that is wonderful! (I can totally understand being nervous at the same time.)

As for school and therapy, you know what is best for Abbie. I have always admired how "normal" you make Abbie's life. She is just one of kids and has to follow the same rules. And you have always done such a great job advocating for what you know is best.

Post when you can (I can only imagine how busy you are!!!!) I love getting the updates. Hopefully you guys will make it to conference this year.